Despite negligible vaccination rates and the lowest rate among continents, the rate of Covid-19 infections has dropped by 20% in Africa over the past seven days, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reports.
Many have postulated reasons why the rates are so low in Africa, including attributing it to the widespread use of Ivermectin wonder drug, the use of anti-malarials, vitamin D and zinc generous use, BCG vaccination history and other reasons. While some suggest that the cases may be a bit higher but underreported, one cannot escape the fact that there are no widespread deaths as have been seen in India, New York, Italy and the like. Likewise it is suggested that cases are over-reported in Europe and America where deaths from all causes in Covid-positive are reported as Covid deaths.
Currently the African continent stands at 7.76% total vaccine doses given. But the majority of the continent has the lowest death rate. Africa represents 12.5 percent of the global population, but it accounted for just 4 percent of the 3.4 million deaths that had been reported around the world as of May 18.